Darren Langley Web Design Birmingham

5 Things To Do on your website

As the world rapidly and (hopefully) temporarily changes due to the on-going Coronavirus pandemic, now is as good a time to take a beat and work on your business in preparation for the time that things return to normality – and they will do.

Many people will use their time to finish off projects that have been sitting around for a while (in between home-schooling the kids) but now is also a great time to have a look at your company website.

So, what should you be doing to your digital space?

#1 Write an exciting blog

Before you ever heard of Covid-19, you probably had many great things lined up for your website and your business.

Rather than letting your website go stale, create a blog looking back on your achievements and what you did in the last 12 month and also what you have planned, even if some of those plans may be changing. It can be a great way to whip up some excitement and talk about some positive ideas.

Perhaps you could write a blog about 5 Things people can do during self-isolation – now there’s an idea!

#2 Navigation or Navigati-off?

Is the navigation on your website effective? With time on your hands, it can be a good opportunity to conduct a bit of an audit of your website’s architecture. Tools such as Google Analytics can hold fantastic data on how your visitors navigate through your site.

With some research you can see how people flow through your website and find out if your navigation and site structure needs a bit of an upgrade.

#3 Update your copyright notice

A pretty simply one but something that people often forget to do!

It’s been such a manic year that it’s easy to forget that we’re only in the first quarter of 2020. If you haven’t got this set up properly (for example the copyright in your footer is just plain text) it probably still says 2019. Luckily there are different methods you can use which will do this automatically for you.

In fact, if you use a WordPress plugin for your footer and copyright notice it probably updates automatically anyway but it’s always best to check.

#4 Have a look at your keywords

Going beyond simply updating parts of your website, it might be a good idea to have a look at your overall SEO strategy as well.

Find out what keywords you are ranking for and what ones you aren’t (but should be). With a new year, it may be time to ramp up your SEO efforts and start hitting those keywords you should be doing well for.

By exploring the possibilities of targeting more keywords you may bring in more business as a result.

#5 Conduct a link audit

Finally, what links are point to your site?

Are there a lot of spammy links (which Google hates) or do you only have a few links going to your website and could do with more?

Link building is still important and conducting a link audit of your website can help you to get rid of spam links and clean up your digital presence which will help with your SEO results too.


It’s not easy to keep on top of your website at the best of times, but if we stay positive and anticipate the return of the normal World we can be better prepared to build and grow with the help of the web.

Let us know if you have other suggestions of ways to improve your website for the future and if you need any help keeping on top of your own website, we can help with our easy to manage Aftercare Packages.

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