Darren Langley Web Design Birmingham

Effective FAQ Pages

We all have questions that need to be answered at some point and we also all know how frustrating it is when we can’t find the associated answers. If you sell a service or product especially, you can be sure that your website visitors will have some questions that will ultimately need answering.

We are assuming that you don’t want to be bombarded with emails and phone calls asking you the same thing over and over again taking up your precious time. Therefore the way to provide answers immediately for your prospective customers is via an effective FAQ page that sits on your website.

Simple! Well not quite, after all no one wants to scroll through pages and pages of questions so we have put together a list of things for you to consider;

  • Start logging the questions you get asked so that you can identify the commonly asked ones and list these on your FAQ page.
  • Suggest adding a search bar for the visitor to add in the question they have and on hitting enter it will search for related questions.
  • Maybe categories questions depending on the different service areas i.e. purchasing, after sales
  • Consider listing the questions and when clicked on one it opens up to provide the answer.
  • Would having an online chat function help especially if there are potential technical questions?

One thing to also consider is; if you are getting bombarded with questions, either your communication needs revisiting or your purchasing processes are too complicated.

Remember if you need advice on how to make your FAQ page work for you and your business simply give us a call on 0121 728 8168 or email hello@darrenlangley.com to find out more about how we can help.

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