Darren Langley Web Design Birmingham

How to resurrect your website

So, you’ve neglected your website? Things got in the way, your attention has been else where, your site left on the back burner and as a result is bringing in absolutely no new leads? No worries! It happens. Take a read on to see just how you can inject some life back into your site, and start reaping the rewards.

Design & branding

Studies have shown that 75% of people judge a companies credibility based on their web design, therefore it is imperative to nail this. Points to consider include: brand consistency, is your website branding consistent with your current branding elsewhere? Is your look in line with your target audience? If not, this needs updating. Consistency is key! How’s your imagery looking? If you’re using outdated images you could really be selling your business short. How well is your site designed? Is it user friendly? If not, maybe consider a redesign. If users struggle to navigate your site, they will simply leave and find what they are looking for elsewhere, a conversion lost.


If your site has been idle for years, it’s highly likely the content is outdated and needs a refresh. Make it a priority to update all information and ensure you are selling your business, to really impress consider using a copy writer. If your site doesn’t currently have a blog, now’s a great time to introduce one, blogs can add such value to a site, earning you many visitors. Earn their trust, offer advise and build up your credibility.


An abandoned site is likely to be using outdated coding, which exposes your site to potential security holes, and will cause poor functionality. It’s important that any bugs are identified and rectified, if your coding is outdated your site is prone to more bugs which interfere with your sites functionality and speed.


Ensure you are using responsive design, today it is essential that all sites are mobile friendly, and accessible on all devices. Responsive design refers to design which seamlessly adjusts depending on the size screen in which it is viewed, wether that be a mobile device, an iPad, or a laptop.

SEO marketing

Make sure your site is optimised! Google ranking prioritises websites which provide real substance and secure links, so keep on top of this! Using key words is the best way to be discovered organically online so take the time to update keywords, meta-titles, keep your descriptions accurate and ensure your content has quality backlinks.

This may seem like a mammoth task, but according to LSA’s April 2017 report ‘The Digital Consumer Study’ 63% of consumers primarily use a companies website to find and engage with a business, and if your site isn’t active your missing out on a huge audience. If you need any assistance with reviving your website, please don’t hesitate to contact the team here at Darren Langley Web design.

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