Darren Langley Web Design Birmingham

The Point of Being Precise with your Content

Once Upon a Time….

There once was a time when if we sought information on a subject or to solve a problem, we would traipse down to the local library to look for a book to answer our query. Once we had located a relevant book we would normally go straight to the Contents Page or Index to find the required information, so that we didn’t need to read the whole book.

All Change..

Then came along the internet and now with a click of a button this information is readily available in seconds. If you are lucky, your website will come in the first set of searches, but remember so will your competitors too, and just because a visitor has chosen to click on your link doesn’t mean they will stay there.

According to Hubspot 55% of visitors spend fewer than 15 seconds on a website! Just like the book scenario your website needs to have a contents or index like function. So how do you do this without it looking like the inside of a book?

Clear, Concise and Creative

By ensuring that your Home Page, About Us and main Services/Products page is concise. No one wants to spend time trawling through a load of text, the fact is no one has time to nowadays. Content should be short and snappy with bullet points that link to additional pages in the website that go into more detail. These pages can be slightly wordier as the visitor is going to be interested in the content.

Make your content interesting, use images, videos and infographics where possible to break up text and to keep visitors engaged. The harsh reality is, is if a visitor has to search on your website for the information they need for more than 15 seconds they have just bounced off and gone to visit a competitors’ website.

We can help you to get your content to where it needs to be, simply give us a shout on 0121 728 8168 or email hello@darrenlangley.com.

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