So, you have a great design for your new site and there is some killer content with researched keywords on there as well – what else is there left to do?
The answer is – quite a lot!
Setting up a new website doesn’t end with a design, content and setting up your social media profiles. There are a number of things you need to implement from an SEO perspective that will not only get your site listed on Google but also allow people to find your fantastic looking new website as well.
This list isn’t exhaustive but we have come up with the top 5 things to do with your new website that will increase its visibility and put you on a solid footing for success.
If you want people to find your business quickly then Google My Business is a must.
It is completely free to use, takes only a few minutes to set up (though the verification process can take a few days) and allows users to find your business information quickly simply by entering a search term related to your business. It will also allow your new website and business to be featured on Google Maps.
You want to see how visitors are finding your site, where they are referred from and what they are doing while they are there. Google Analytics can also tell you what they searched for so you can optimise your content to allow more people to find you.
Setting up Google Analytics is simple and there is even a WordPress plugin to speed the process along. Not only will it give you an valuable insight into who your visitors are but it allows you to optimise your SEO marketing strategy too.
A sitemap is, well, a map of all your pages. By creating one and then submitting it to search engines it lets the likes of Google know the structure of your website, what pages you have and how they all link together.
If you use WordPress then you can use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin to create one. It does have a small boost for SEO as it allows your site to be index properly and the more pages you have in the sitemap then the more trustworthy it appears to Google which will give your ranking a slight increase.
All your web pages should have Meta tags. The Meta description is a small snippet of information that did have a limit of 160 characters although his has recently been boosted to 320 and it tells a search engine what that page is about.
You should also have Meta tags for headings in your content as well as alt text for images and you should integrate your targeted keywords into your Meta tags and alt-text too. These Meta tags and alt-tags will boost your SEO as they will let Google know what your site, pages and individual images are all about.
The speed that your website loads has a big impact on your search engine ranking. Essentially Google hates websites that take an age to load up so you want to make sure that yours is fast for everyone that accesses it.
With Google Pagespeed Insights you can see how quickly your site loads and it also offers optimisation suggestions too.
While these aren’t the only things you should do to boost SEO for your new website they are vitally important.
A new website takes time to build up traffic and trust among users but with these 5 things you can put your site on a good foundation to continue to grow and prosper.
If you need help with getting started with your website and SEO, start by giving calling us on 0121 728 8168 or send an email to