A lot of people get caught in the trap of thinking that once you have a new website that it will look after itself. This misconception can lead to websites not functioning as correctly as they should, but more importantly facing devastating security risks.
If you use WordPress to manage your website content you may be familiar with the warning notice that says “WordPress 4.6 is available! Please update now” at the top of every screen. Is it actually important that WordPress be running on the latest version?
There are five main reasons for keeping your WordPress installation up to date;
One of the main reasons why WordPress falls victim to security attacks is because is it such a renown CMS (Content Management System) that is utilised by millions of website owners across the World. However, by keeping your WordPress, plugins and themes up to date you can ensure that your security vulnerability is minimised.
An updated site will perform better, plugins can also assist in improving performance by enhancing the speed and efficiency of the site. Updates can also fix bugs that appear on the site ensuring that your website does not contain any harmful malware viruses.
WordPress is also constantly improving the system and therefore updates also enable the latest version to be made available offering additional functionality in the CMS system.
So if you want to ensure that your WordPress website is in tip top condition ensure that you update WordPress and Plugins when you receive the notifications. However if you are not comfortable doing so, our Aftercare Package will ensure that this managed for you.
If you need any more information do not hesitate to contact us, simply give us a call on 0121 728 8168 or email hello@darrenlangley.com to find out more about how we can help.